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Performing arts and music

About the artist

PACHAQUEER is a performance and political project founded in Ecuador in 2013 by CoCa & MoTa, two Andean witches, radical transvestites and gender terrorist monstras who proclaim the liberation of bodies and the emancipation of thoughts. Their artistic exploration through curatorial practice, cultural management, community mediation, non-formal education and activism have transformed a utopia into a Latin American dissident art platform of artists and activists who fight against the violence of the patriarchal regime and the oppressions of the binary system. Recognized and awarded by the NYU Hemispheric Institute for Performance and Politics in 2014, 2016 and 2019, selected among the 50 most representative voices of dissidence in Latin America by VICE magazine and currently awarded by the LGBTIQA+ Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art (LLMA) Fellowship Program in New York. Their kamikaze strategy has ventured into the fields of film, music, literature, fashion, technology and their works have been shared in more than 25 countries around the world. Producers of the documentary MONSTRAS (reedited version 2020), organizers of the Transborder Festival of Performance and Politics #Performacula (Quito 2020, Berlin 2023), creators of the traveling performance laboratory Monstra Cabaret and promoters of the Trans March in Ecuador, the bill for the "Trans Labor Quota" along with the "Integral Trans Law". PachaQueer is a trench of insurrection, a symbiosis of art and politics, and a sanctuary of struggle and celebration.

Photo: Leonardo Solis

“Not a Minute of Silence”, Video, 5’, 2024 collective footage of "Plantón Palestina Libre". Women and dissidence in resistance take to the streets. Queer resilience for Palestine called by PachaQueer. Thursday June 13, 2024. Quito - Ecuador

