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About the artist

Art has always been my life and my only love, and I've been working as an illustrator for years. It is an important tool to combat my mental health issues. After years of therapies and meds that didn't work I finally got diagnosed as autistic in 2019. The following year Covid happened, and I found out I had a genetic connective tissue condition that affects my joints and a whole bunch of other bodily functions, and specifically the functioning of my hands. I've spent the majority of 2020 in isolation and recovering from botched hand surgery - the whole of 2020 and the years of therapy before have left me with medical PTSD. As I was recovering from the surgery I couldn't draw or paint, but I found out I could still type, so I started an activist blog about neurodiversity, disability and mental illness. Right now, I'm in a long and hard process to regain control over my hands and paint again, and I hope I will be able to continue my work soon - maybe starting with Through the Window?

2022, Ghost, Mixed media: Watercolor, Different types of paper, Gouache, Gold leaf, Glitter, Ink and salt, 50x70 cm


