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Moenirah Daniels

South Africa



About the artist

Moenirah Daniels is a non-binary Projects Manager and Coordinator, a Market Photo Workshop Alumni living and working in Johannesburg, with a background in the development of contemporary artistic practices and educational art platforms. Daniels currently manages and coordinates several media projects in the photographic community, after 5 years with Photo:, a photography platform that focuses on the development and mentorship of African photographers, where they coordinated various projects, including the electronic newsletter for Centers of Learning for Photography in Africa (CLPA); democraSEE, an award for Southern African Photography, 10:10 and 10:queer platforms, the Survey and interactive digital map for Photography Training and Learning Initiatives on the African continent and ‘Five Photographers: A tribute to David Goldblatt’ (Johannesburg, Maputo, Lesotho, Makhanda, Durban and Mali; 2018-2019), Kerkennah01 (Tunisia, 2018), Resist(e) (France, 2017), Cities and Memory (Denmark 2016) exhibitions; and assisted with the coordination for Tierney Fellowship’s ‘Against Time’, a group exhibition as a part of the Bamako Biennale in Mali, 2015. They have extensive experience and knowledge within the visual arts scene, both local and International, within the curatorial and project management field and working alongside very well-known curators and photography professionals. I believe everyone in my position of self-discovery encounter a Split in reality where their birthed template ideals created by previous experience and belief structure no longer align with the authentic self and way of being. This kicks off a process of unlearning what no longer serves. We may try to become that ideal, reject it, or try to adapt to it, but in one way or another, it forms a part of our self that unconsciously affects our choices. Ideals are not fixed and there lies another illusion, but they are a standard that you hold inside yourself, often without knowing it, and that you measure yourself against. Or it becomes something to react against. A continuous cycle. When we align with this ideal, it gives us a deep sense of identity and actively creates new beliefs through blind faith.

2022, Split, Photo collage, 8.47×12.7 cm


